"What freaking Stool Sample!?"
All that trouble but when I got there they didn't need it. It said in my papers that I was required to have 2 valid IDs and a Stool Sample... with all the freaking disgusting trouble to get one (because it has to be dry, I have bouts of constipation and unpredictable bowel movement) and storing and the transporting the damn thing from GH to Old Manila... freaking eh.
Declining Hobby. I'm embarrassed to be leaving the gaming hobby a bit. Not totally since I still play GURPS with Bobby and DaBoyz and DnD with our little group, but leaving the old RPGbarkada forums since pen and paper RPGs are going the way of the dinosaurs.
Its really change of direction and the fact that it is getting harder to play the hobby as you get older. Airsoft is a different matter, there are some practical aspects to it more capital intesive but less prep... but RPGs can't sell so well. I'm suprised people still buy the books when I visit the stores (or they may not be since these books don't seem to be moving at all). Maybe it is really gone and Computer Games are more convenient, has enough room to make money for all those interested in making games, and is a growing industry.
I ended my gaming note with the Fall of Constantinople (or more precisely: Saving Constantinople). Since then I've read up on Fief, Byzantine Economics, the Crusades and 19th Century Philippines with no outlet for them as a game. If I can't find players for TRPGs maybe I can in CRPGs.
Declining Hobby. I'm embarrassed to be leaving the gaming hobby a bit. Not totally since I still play GURPS with Bobby and DaBoyz and DnD with our little group, but leaving the old RPGbarkada forums since pen and paper RPGs are going the way of the dinosaurs.
Its really change of direction and the fact that it is getting harder to play the hobby as you get older. Airsoft is a different matter, there are some practical aspects to it more capital intesive but less prep... but RPGs can't sell so well. I'm suprised people still buy the books when I visit the stores (or they may not be since these books don't seem to be moving at all). Maybe it is really gone and Computer Games are more convenient, has enough room to make money for all those interested in making games, and is a growing industry.
I ended my gaming note with the Fall of Constantinople (or more precisely: Saving Constantinople). Since then I've read up on Fief, Byzantine Economics, the Crusades and 19th Century Philippines with no outlet for them as a game. If I can't find players for TRPGs maybe I can in CRPGs.
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