Random Thoughts

Ott. hehe, yeah its hard to eat but you need to eat it. Its not even about a matter of it being good for you, when you reach a certain age. Personally my body makes me regret missing a day of fiber.
On other things.
3ds Max. Hit a wall in my learnings of the program. My mesh is too complicated to create a decent template where I can map images on it's surface. I had to start again from scratch. I hope I learn what I need to learn before the month is over as I am making my portfolio.
Yahoo Answers. Nice place but its hard to find questions pertaining to my field. There was one that was challenging and I could have answered. What was the conversion of trenision to solidus in the 8C?" but there was nothing I could find what a Trenision is except for an arabic page which google translated roughly.
Research. As I've filled my head with data from Lisa J. Steele's Fief, I'm tackling what was the image of peasantry during the Spanish Era of the Philippine History. From comparisons with Western lower class life, the Philippines (and the Spanish Colonies) seems as good as the worse times of Western history. Mexico had it better with education and the abillity to speak spanish but the Phils were getting all the rejects of Spain.
Looking at the cost of maintaining a colony continents away, it seems to me, as I read further in that the Phils were being used more of a dumping ground than stepping stone for asia. As a dumping ground and a get rich quick place for clergy from spain, it was no wonder that despite the threat of heresy and excommunication there was a public demonstration against the friars in 1888. Only in the Philippines can a friar position be as good a nobility with it powers and money and the ability to sweep all their vows beneath the rug of hypocrisy.
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