HBO and North Korean Nightmare
Polygamy. I don't like the Series big love. What I mean by Don't like is I get really annoyed when I know its on in the house. Its just wrong. There are people who say homosexuality is wrong, for me my stance is against Polygamy. Polygamy existed because of shortages of males and improved comfort of a female in a chauvinistic society. In the modern world where many basic needs are met, there is education and finding your own answers, and a choice between Religion and Science, its one of those things I dislike very much.
The nerve it pinches is not the ability to LOVE a number of women, but loving them all in the same time. I'm for devotion and Polygamy ain't part of that. The thought of its existence makes me worry about hypothetical scions who will fall for that kind of trap.
Its ok to have MULTIPLE partners in sex but swearing you devotion to multiple recipients (at the same time) raises the matter of the ONE Master Debate. If you can't choose between them then your' useless to them, if you can then just marry that ONE. I can go on and on and there will be people who share my opinions about it and those who are against it.
BUT what I FIND most wrong about the SHOW is the misrepresentation of WHO are these people who use polygamy. Are they JUST LIKE US, or are they steeped in tradition, believe in the PLACE of a woman, believe in EQUALITY? Among the other HBO original series I find it REVOLTING. Its revolting to say A MAN can love many women WHOLE heartedly AT THE SAME TIME. Or Vice versa. I UNDERSTAND the concept of marriage applying to Same Sex couples, I understand that humans are imperfect and Divorce has a place for those who need a second chance, BUT these pale to polygamy.
To think that same sex marriage is considered an abomination compared to Polygamy really pisses me off. They should be fighting against this MORE than fighting against the rights of those who want to devote their life to one person, despite gender.
North Korea. I had a nightmare about it. The NAT geo special: Inside, scared the begezuz out of me. To think such a place exists and the Philippines is considered a place just before it in Press Freedom is an EXAGERATION! I agree our Journalists get killed when reporting the TRUTH, but in NK, the reprisal includes them sending your whole EXTENDED FAMILY to concentration camps for life.
I had a nightmare I was witness to all of it. Despite my Jaded view, I still find NK frightening. In my Point of View. Evil that grotesque (Kim Jong Il) could only have gotten there if Others have aided him or Good people did nothing. The thought of such people to have let such a monster loose makes me sick. He let 3M of his own people die, the generation that came from that famine reduced the average height by 20cm and weight by around 20lbs, and as communist leadership goes Castro is mother Teressa and Roosevelt compared to him.
I feel happy to be a Filipino but I feel happy that there are people who have not given up hope on this country. There are those who still lobby and fight for it even when so many have given up.
Thank GOD i have no children (yet), because once you have a kid you can't help but not care about anybody else anymore. Your kid is your priority and FUCK everyone else (Fuck the greater good my family is my priority). In the bottom line its your family before nation or neighbor. To be a good parent you have to be a jerk to everyone else some of the time (if not all the time), if you are a good parent doesn't mean your good citizen, and to be a good person you may have to bad at a lot of things.
Too bad GOOD PEOPLE don't reproduce so well, I guess thats one of the truths of humanity.
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