All worlds are habitable.

Sol. I've been puzzled by how one can dwell in all the satelites, planetoids, and planets in just our own solar system. Without resorting to Newtonian Physics bending/breaking "hand-waves". My basic assumption is that technology will slow down as cultural development becomes the core concern of people in Earth, given that such a huge population in such a small planet should learn to get along and live with one another peacefully.

One of the other premises is that Life support tech and radiation shielding was perfected.

Anyway, Gravity was my main concern. Even with gene-therapy and advances in drugs low gravity can ravage much of how the body works over time. I was able to solve gravity problem in a High G habitable worlds like Venus, Uranus and Neptune but low gravity is a major problem for me.

I find it easier to develop Satelites and Planetoids into 1G by causing it to rotate much faster, turning these habitations inside out. Solving the problem with Low G worlds like Mars is a BIGGER problem short of a "Hand-wave". There are theories as mini-black holes exist and since I have no knowledge of how that works, I'm imagining a Sphere of Annihilation being hammered into the core of Mars along with a lot of other heavy matter, igniting it and bringing the density of the planet too near 1G.

I've doodled a lot about it. Especially my take on the Work-horse Space ship of the future. It is a blended wing body design with the width of a jumbo jet but shorter, a flying wing about 15m thick, designed to carry 6 of those cargo freights which are about 12m x 5m x 5m (300m^3 each) and a very small blended wing body shuttle and a civilian truck. Its fuel is safely stored inside its wing body (which can hold about 3000m^3) of liquid or compressed gas fuel. It carries only half its fuel when it breaks away from a planet (to save fuel) and fills up in space stations. WHen travelling in space, its wing edges are large living quarters (420m^3) each which begin spinning to create the 1G environment for long journeys. Since the gyration can alter the course of the ship, there is more need for fuel to keep it moving "straight".

The technological premise is all the experimental tech that of 2007 has been perfected (4-5th generation). Other technologies weren't developed because of economic pressures, ethical and morale policies. As space is further colonized technology was trying to be more rugged and advanced. There is a Murphy's law of Complexity (or something to that effect) so technology would certainly be capped and people will want for simpler and more dependable tech. Since new habitats will keep sprouting then consumable tech is not the way to go, instead more and more tech will be perfected to last longer. Metals with lower corrosive properties like Tungsten, Titanium, Gold etc. will be more in demand more than ever. Ceramics will have advanced to a point where it becomes a common substitute for steel and Silica will have been alloyed with metals to make them last longer...


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