Finally. Done with this study of Tadeo. There are many mistakes, but I had to post something for the longest time. Anyway, this is an initial study. There was many edits...A TON actually.

Tadeo with two pistol grip scimitars. Each one about a meter long blade. The left hand sword is deceptively twice the weight of his right hand sword. This is to keep his arm strength as symetrical as possible and to give him a level of versatility in tactics.

His right arm is certainly faster and has better precision but his left arm is much stronger when making simple strikes.

it reminds me of my mom's quirk of actually wearing one contact and being able to see exceptionally far (bec. of her old age) and see normally with her contacts on the other eye.

I'd didn't know the brain can adapt to that (she's been doing it for 15 years).

There are alot of details about how he fights and his strengths and weaknesses but I won't get into that here. Its better to expound it in the comic. I'll just comment that he is an swordsman in an the era of not just guns but repeaters.

I'm sure many know my love for realistic heroes and their limitations. His combat effectiveness is perfect given what he is tasked to do, he is also versatile enough to fulfill other roles (except support, poor ranged abilities), and he knows better than anyone (before anyone else can see it) when to retreat and change his approach.

A realistic hero in Philippine storytelling :)). Now thats different... and original (if your filipino then you should get that comment).

Pray that I get more done in this week. Hope to get build up an illustrator portfolio for Steve Jackson Games.


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