New Habits to Conditon, Upper Body Update

Lately I'm able to be cleaner and more organize. I've gotten my evening rituals down.

  • Prepare Coffee and Protien Shake for the next day. 30mins
  • Prepare Water by the bed for medicine and when I, or anyone gets thirsty. 
  • Medicine by the Bed. 
  • Niko brushing his teeth
  • Fitbit on sleep tracking mode. 
  • Phone on Sleep tracking mode. 
  • Leave everything to Charge
The morning rituals are different 
  • Wake up early(5am). Get ready to run on some days, rest in others, and do the upper body exercises in other days. Today, July 2 is a rest day for me and I am very tired from yesterdays 12,000 steps and 42 minutes of activity. 
    • Get a pull up bar installed, using the second expansion tube and hook. 
  • After my work out, I blog my performance for tracking purposes. Write down how it all felt, to check for symptoms of something that may lead to injury. I listen to my work out music.  
  • New - Listen to my Chinese lectures Pimelseur or Chinese Pod, while doing some morning chores. 
  • Eat during my "Anabolic Window" Prepare my Breakfast and Lunch kit. 
  • New - Try to write some words 50x from my Pleco flashcard exercises. Ideally the one character words. 

In the afternoon, a quick trip to the house to drop of my lunch and some exercise. The walk help me clear my head. 40 minutes in all to do 5x20 hip-up dips and 5x20 elevated push ups. 
  • Lite Dinner. 
  • New - Punching bag regiment every few days after work. Alternate days. 
Upper Body Update
So i can do the  5x20 hip-up dips and 5x20 elevated push ups in 44 minutes. Typically with 2 minute breaks with extensions until the last set. 

SCA update.
I got the rope and figured out I could use cheap duct-tape to laminate the illustration board and drill holes through them when they are a stack. 

How to cut illustration boards in mass? 
How long will it take to wrap each with duct tape?
How much will I need?
How long will it take?
What tools and saftey precautions should I take. 


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