Extinct goat was cold-blooded
Extinct goat was cold-blooded: "Extinct goat was cold-blooded"
from GURPS Ecosystems.
The brain being a energy hungry organ, needed meat because it had a higher energy pay off. With the intelligence and autonomy of computer programs the "Ethics" of Veganism or Vegetarianism seems not to be cost effective.
If people think there is no price we can put on life, think again in a behavior economics perspective. There IS a price, and we show it in every action we choose in lieu of saving one. Part of Emotional Int is figuring out what we really stand for, not what we think we stand for. Admitting to indifference is not evil. There are lives lost every minute that can be saved by direct action, if Life is as "precious" or sacred as people put it, but it isn't.
Like when a Priest or the Religious cry out against abortion or contraception, do you think if they really cared they would have studied up the matter and put themselves face to face with the people they accuse of evil to see the truth of what must be done? Nope, this means they value life as long as they can cling to their illusions, thats why they are the type of people to Kill for God or Sacrifice their own for an illusion.
In my book, those people are more monstrous. I admit i care about life, but I won't create any false expectation of what cost i'm willing to pay. If Php-1 would save a life, then I would compare what I will be sacrificing and the level of certainty surrounding how efficiently it is used to push long term sustainability threats when I determine how much or if I contribute.
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