Censorship and Rape
Pol Medina of Pugan Baboy got censored and there was the whole Rape Joke by Vice Ganda.
I had a story where an NPC got "raped" and someone got disturbed by it enough to comment their views.
Bottom line is that its censorship for me. I do not deny that Information and communication has consequences, but uncomfortable topics or ridicule of serious topics are something that should not be prevented... sure damage control if need be after but stifling communication is something that I think is dangerous.
My stance about the whole rape joke is that Vice Ganda has all the right to say it, of course if people stop liking him/her for that, those are the consequences she/he has to live with. If people laugh at it, because of it, what is the point of judging so many individuals with such a general action as humor. We start censoring jokes about serious topics, we're just censoring the serious topics more than the ability to joke about things. It damages the serious topic and the ability to deal and talk about it, more than anything.
Forcing people to talk about a serious topic with the sanctity of being serious doesnt help the cause of the topic. I want to be true to my science and really allow people not to hold anything sacred (of course I'm free to emotionally retaliate if it hits a nerve).
What is disturbing for me is the Rape story. I wrote something with rape as part of the story, and someone got offended. I realize if a story with rape offends you and the only avenue to talk about rape is a heart to heart discussion about it, then aren't you censoring the medium by which serious topics like rape is discussed?
Rape happens a lot, and the victims gets worse hit in some cultures. Preventing Rape as an an element of a story kinda is censoring the topic. Also, there is a strange "Thought Police" element when someone took offense, like Thought and Action are one... its like the person cannot distinguish between imagination and reality. The amount of disgusting thoughts that go through me and other people are enough to fill the headlines with controversy... but they are disturbing thoughts and nothing more.
As much as Criminals can get away with crimes scott free and live a long a fulfilling life, there is room in this world for Good people to think of the darkest thoughts and not be Punished or branded of them for thinking of such. Thought policing is a very Religious and Brain Washing Construct/Tool. It works without any trust at all, how can you trust if you judge people by thoughts before their actions.
Also how can you predict the monsters if you don't think like a monster? Its a thought of being a monster, not acting on those thoughts. Again Thought Police instinct kicking in.
Rape and Offensive topics fill the airways and gets discussed a lot to a point that I'm indifferent. Still I think its imporant its talked about or in stories even if I'm numb from it. I'm numb because of it because it was all talk, wait till it hits my personal life and I'm sure I'll be rabid about it. But I'd rather it was discussed and people are free to deal with the topic with any medium they feel they can best handle it.
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