170 today

Finally reached 170 morning weight, which is roughly 171 for the days average.
What has improved prior to my past attempts is my perspective, regular food is 5-10 denser in calories than what I try to eat now.
Also I stopped getting hyper acidity, which I began to notice happens after eating a lot of meat. When I was vegging for a couple meals I'm hungry but not acidy which is a monumental improvement. I ate to bring down the acidity and now I don't need to.
I sleep longer though, I but that is also in part that I'm still waking up to Nikos night time feeding.
Combined with increase activity, my body is really shedding the weight.
My stomach is at the point where I poop every other day because of how little goes through my system. I was 173 yesterday and almost 175 by end of day.


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