So Much to Do
I got home from work at 4:15am, got to sleep at around 4:45am. Record latest I've come from work, but there are some real milestones to be had.
I have a long list of things to do. bit of more than I can chew. Other than key stuff to do, we have little "side quests". These are matters of investigation and PR.
An example is an agent tells us that she's has not been regularized for 9 months. Upon regularization there is a pay increase, but HR had her going around in circles.
Noticing her pregnancy, I commented about having signed off some HMO reimbursement for several pregnant agents. Then she tells me she wasn't to get her medical reimbursed and HR had her going around in circles.
Currently HR has been caught trying to skimp on work at the expense of the agents. They would rather fight and argue with agents about last pay, benefits, and information than help.
This side quest, illuminated a kind of abuse that there was no way for us to know unless you went to us and told us. The Head of the BPO and the Director had to get it from the victim, no-one felt the urgency to correct this chronic mistake.
Not that we have confirmed all her allegations, but after getting a hang of methods of lie detection: Have the person talk about the matter at length, record the interaction, and try to see if the Emotion they show matches that they are trying to convey. In the Listening and Observing End, it gets easier for the observer to spot inconsistencies. When you ask alot of questions and make the story as complex as possible, rich with details a story should, lies crop up.
We have a lot of side quests, and battles to fight. I have a long list and I plan to do them on sunday. No Airsoft for me in this first rain-free week-end.
I've started showing our own people my cliff notes on how I detect lies, from the Ekman school. (Ekman is not only about facial recognition, but also cognitive economies). With a combination of my Nerdiness and their great Experience, our mangers are using recording devices, OJTs to transcribe discussions (for legal documentation), and quickly sharing what we've learned and experience our skillset is improving much more quickly.
My brother Gaspar is learning a lot and has become more outgoing. A good sign of growth. Growth is slow and fast process, it is slow to gain the necessary attitude and requisites, but things speed up when they do and we start adopting quickly new skills and approaches.
I wish he had time to listen to the Tons of Cognitive lectures I have. I compare these science not-for-credit courses to religious readings and text.
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