Long Night Work and realizations
Moving towards Separations.
Our sister company was charging us Php1500 per manhour services for 2 trainers who are doing documentation. Currently they have racked up 48 hours. I did calculations for Manhour based on our HR and Services cost (we do such) and it is based on (((Monthly Salary x 13)/261 days)/8 hours)x (1.3 for overtime through a rest period, and +0.2 for company resource and somewhere there is a profit margin). So a level 1 technician 15k would cost about php140ish and a 25k technician would cost Php230ish.
This is used to calculate also if there is a need for a Full-time employee.
I didn't know all these facts PRIOR to signing of the Php1500 per hour. in fact, I was lead to believe they can accomplish the job in 24 manhours (8 days, 4 days a week, 3 hours per day). But they failed to produce the results, and even with documentation coming AFTER the failure to justify the outrageous costs, the bottom line is that they are a sister company and they used ambush tactics for their pricing.
They are going to be asked to justify the expense by the board. The bottom line, we are going to look elsewhere for all our AppDev needs and all the other services we would normally ask for. They have proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are unreliable and taking advantage of me and the blindside of the organization has shown them to be something we should work to separate.
We will look towards moving beyond this relationship and parting amicably. Even after all the times I defended them... the sense of betrayal is heavy.
When I look at everyone and the work they have to do. I have it good given my wealth. But, I also am aware of the economics of some situations, where people have to satisfy all these needs and obligations. So I look and measure.
I can understand prioritizing family and one's own. In fact, the larger the sense of "family" or "group" a leader has, I have greater respect for the person. This is respect borne out of seeing how difficult it is to satisify so many needs and still being able to skillfully meet them all. if the person can't meet your deal or your expectation, and depending on how hard they spent to meet such a need.
What I can't understand is prioritizing benefits with low reciprocity: like a mistress (when there is a perfectly acceptable and functional family), distractions, ego, vices where the toll takes greatly on performance and productivity.
The formula is:
- Keep to sustainable happiness sources like: family, love, friendship, work, fulfillment, humanism, and camaraderie. (all inherited evolutionary priorities)
- dThese may lower performance (economic cost of time) as long as all these are kept at stable values (measured in time usage). The economic balance should be that your performance in income can satisfy or stabalize all such needs.
I don't get to play airsoft anymore, don't get to hang out (because of this long emergency), and all I have time for in the weekends is my family. As long as I'm with my family I am happy, but sadly looking further to the future unless I have awesome employable skills and tools it looks like firefighting will continue.
I really want to throw in the towel some nights, but I have no choice I'm not employable as the son of the owner with nothing under my belt. My brother just started, hes roughly in the same problem.
The objective in the long run is to see what would be our ideal cost of living, even in a much more realistic income living in a place close to where my wife is going to have her career.
Van and Bicycle
I will have to get rid of my airsoft stuff as I move to a lower income. If possible if one of my friends are Space Wealthy i can leave my gear with him.
Long Nights work.
the Old (9year old) building I work in had a some electrical problems. Some tough decisions had to be made and there was some consequences that were very sad. The client we pleased was the most ungratefull, lying, slanderous, and difficult client, but he was the largest client. The client we pissed off was our smallest client but easy to deal with, but who did not have a contract with us and only an agreement.
We have to report to this smaller client, but having burned out last night. I will post the report sanitizing the names.
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