Xubuntu and Lubuntu

Ok, Big surprise Ubuntu 9.10 (one version before current release) is not made for computer which are below the minimum requirements for Vista. I should have known.

Anyway now I learned if you have a computer with less than 256MB ram then you need L-ubuntu and X-ubuntu.

It is basically New Code for Old (very Old) computers.

I think computers older than 8 years should be retired, marked off as fully depreciated in the accounting books and sold for recycling. The cost of holding on to it, is FAR greater than buying a new hardware system. Misers might think it cheaper but if you calculate the personal and skill cost, in the economics of it all you have a much higher returns if your opportunity cost is not spent beating this very very dead horse.

Sigh. The family business is moving to open source. We saved millions and we plan to save millions more when the New IT plan incorporates selling the services to make the BPOs we turn key solve have the option to go Open Source.

The company stops paying for the Capital Cost of the Software and only have to pay for the Overhead of the Technician. Way cheaper, but in order to see that advantage you have to overcome a lot of very short sighted irrationalities.

Selling the idea of Open Source to your employees isn't hard comparatively to all the other problems a struggling business has to go through, especially when open source is pro-entrepreneur. The virtues it takes to make it as an entrepreneur makes learning an OS a VERY small thing.


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