I'm at Singapore, quick comment

I'm at Singapore. Its a very anti-gun country so I had to choose other stuff to get. I was only able to get a new battery for my Lenovo Y430. It was notable that I did see two people using it in the Lenovo service center which was all the way to Bukit Timah.

Singapore has a cammo that is, of course, cannot be sold for commercial reasons. I stumbled on the ONLY tactical store here in Singapore and its very new and very low profile. They can only shoot nerf guns.

Another Country that has it better than the Philippines. Nothing much to talk about other than the economic and policy differences between the two. In the 1980s (30 years ago) there was a BIG difference between Singapore and the Philippines now, they have very much handily surpassed it.

Again, my lessons in economics are pretty much reaffirmed from the policy and the evidence circumstance as how successful is Singapore. Funny that To Randians and Libertarians, and their ilk Singapore is actually very "socialistic" and more so than the Philippines. technically, when it comes to personal freedoms, Filipinos have a lot of it... so much so that we don't have any safety nets.

Oh yeah, internet is expensive in the hotel we're staying and they have the British/UK plug, so I didn't have anywhere to plug to.

My back hurts. Walking 8-10 hours a day aggravated the reason WHY I lost weight in the first place. Mobility was my primary reason, from the chaffing between my thighs when I walk, to the weight pressing on my lower back (and which my dad also has problems with). A smaller belly is less weight over all...

Calling Card. The tactical shop I went to has more to do with the Adventure Tourism my friend is planning to start. Basically the most interesting thing for me in Singapore is the business. If we can serve Singapore, we ca serve Japan and other countries where people like to dress up and play war but are not allowed to.

We just have to still do it cheap. Very good value and very good service. Well at least singapore has less of a language barrier.

Books. Got Small Wars Manual and Combat Leader's Field guide. These are great books,for both Study and Sharing amonst my friends. I'm begining to find military problem solving and decision making to be in line with much of the own studies of Cognitive Studies.

The part about Training and How to train will be useful in both self enrichment and for the Adventure Camp my friend wants to open. A really good experience for everyone and a kind of education people could very well use. I see it as a stepping stone to an educational career.

The other book, the small wars manual, has MOUNTED COMBAT! Whohoo!

Anyway, we gotta eat so gotta go.


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