Babbies Today
2 birthdays. One my brother in-laws and the other my Kaptains little girl. My wife is almost 5 months pregnant, so it is on my mind. I try not to think about it, but it does bother me. My last dream was holding a dead baby, actually 2 dead babies.
My Id is so pessimistic, which reminds me of how my ego is the one thats carrying all that optimism. In the end, it is really our conscious ability that makes us happy. Unhappiness is so unproductive and destructive. In the dream I was making jokes even when I had 2 dead babies. They were not funny and it just shows how it is such a deeply imbeded reflex that even in my more primitive and reactive state I use it.
Babies and maturing minds reminds me that how we look at the world is more by the Coping Skills we are given and instilled with. I plan to give our kid ALOT of coping skills and problem solving skills to improve on it more.
The daughter (below) of my Kaptain.

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