I gotta wake up early

Sprained Knee. Anyway, been waking up at around 10am. I was just working to get more and more productive hours then WHAM! I twist my knee. The all that running and working out went out the window. What a waste, I lost 2 inches and was moving towards an average of 166lbs.

CaPHeine. So now, starting again but better than scratch. I'm trying to get the old hand-me-down espresso machine fixed. My morning ritual includes 2 shots of espresso with 4 teaspoons of brown sugar (150 gm of caffeine and 56 kcal?). Holy Crapa-licious! I'm in it for the caffeine and strangely brown sugar tastes so much better than mascovado this way.

Although a brewed Coffee Venti has More caffeine at 480 mgs. I can down the espresso in 2-3 gulps. I don't like to linger with it, I just want the chemikals in me and running. Being a slow riser, my optimum productive hours comes 4 hours After I wake up or as soon as I get my heart pumping.

Quirks. Because sleep makes me forget reality completely I need to write down the thing about tomorrow that should make me wake up early. Normally It takes me 4-6 hours after waking to realize I should be moving my ass.

Silver sharpies. given the amount of Black stuff I have, it is about time I got one. I like black, not because its cool or dark... but because it is common and easy enough to make a group of objects look homogeneous. Now that I have silver sharpies i can keep careful notes on my black stuff. This includes writing my name on them, and some details that are important.

The read mandarin.com is not working right. it keeps giving me the same set of words! I've not progressed beyond them, and sometimes it gives them repeatedly easy. Ooops. its cause I didn't log in.


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