Studying, (bout time)

Reading up on Entrep and it is pretty much what I expect it to be. Of course, I do remember that it was a very long process of discover of what I wanted to do and what I can do.
I won't go exactly on Entrep cause you can read books and theories about it everywhere. One particular thing I've realize but only up to now have found the best way to communicate is exactly why being well rounded matters (and why being able to identify your Intelligences and Strengths are important).
In the shortest possible way to explain it (for me at least): One gains the ability to shift ground quickly and towards a number of choice strengths appropriate to the challenge.
Being well rounded has advantages as one tries to accomodate new skills with previously learned patterns. I have many personal patterns going on in my head, particularly from gaming. The Munchkin in me has found the puzzle that has an answer with multiple fold rewards- business (or generally growth).
One common mistake my previous munchkinings kept making was conspiring to make sure all situations work on my most favorable advantage. In theory, like in games, this is pretty easy to do and to fail doesnt actually present any lasting lessons (since there is the expectations of playing another game that might present an ideal situation). Although we all know from the addages of Murphy and von Moltke (who said "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." ) says this is not the case.
That was wrong, because as in real life, we particularly never get ideal situations. In fact, We make all our opportunities. Opportunities that come our way also fall in this category (because they never come in the way we want them to).
I guess thats a core belief of my being a Simulationist styled gamer. The mentality to absorb and Take the shock of a situation that may be totally against my preparation and the initiative to think out of it as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Adaptibility is First (which includes being Trainable or an Able Learner), and Competence is Secondary. the difference between the two is the appreciation of Opportunity. An adaptable person can choose to wait for or jump at opportunity which can overide the need for competency. Able learning also bridges the competence need once there is success to prove the validity of a course of action.
Anyway, I have a report tomorrow and I have to have dry run so that I won't talk to much and will end on time.
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