The urge to write
Suppressing the Urge to lose my time writing is quite strong. Especially since having read so many books of late. Going through so many book too quickly can reveal several story organizational patterns and basics of how to organize. Of course the skills I learned in Story Telling as a GM comes in useful in looking a this in other angles.
I've finished the Serrano Trilogy and found it interesting and fun. Although I've been spoiled by David Weber naval battle orchestration. I keep coming back to what I've learned in Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship when I think about military endeavors. In such a small span of time Webber, Bujold, and Moon. I'll try to start at lost fleet soon. Right now, I feel like writing my own story since i have ideas how to characterise characters for my Mahadlika Setting.
I've been reading up alot of heroines and given the current voices of writers mixing in my head, I fell like I've read up on enough variety to know how I want the character to be portrayed and what voice to listen to in what part of the writing. I have this voice of my own of what I really want out of it- its like I have webber lecturing me on how to best orchastrate a battle and what to focus on as I tell it, GRRM on the other hand is lecturing in a lot of the basics and fundamentals but I'm tend to be selectively listening when he talks about the messy convoluted crap that comes with personal relationships for characters. Bukold and Moon are reminding me if I am going to write, to go with my gut and my heart, and to have a good experience in the craft.
My own voice, this uncertain, idealistic but calculatingly disapointed me has a lot of ambitions despite the heavy shoes of knowledge and reason trying to weigh me down. My argumentative side, an extention of me that hates having to pretend to be anything, is finding some control over me to say what I really think instead of coating my sentences with confusing ambiguity. It is a struggle to see what emotions stops me from seeing. How typical.
Characters in terms of military sci-fi I want to have a chance to write about is Entrepreneural Characters. Bold, Tragic, and with overwhelming reasons to put themselves in uncertain risks only to find something they don't understand or know how to take- is it success, failure, or betreyal of what they were trying to be... or is it all the above. That fine balance of movement, changing scenery and changing characters despite being the same persons. I find that fun but an experiement or a load of work that forces me inward and dangerously idle.
I don't even have a short story, I havent made one for the longest time. Anyway Just venting, hoping I don't get too distracted by my readings.
I've finished the Serrano Trilogy and found it interesting and fun. Although I've been spoiled by David Weber naval battle orchestration. I keep coming back to what I've learned in Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship when I think about military endeavors. In such a small span of time Webber, Bujold, and Moon. I'll try to start at lost fleet soon. Right now, I feel like writing my own story since i have ideas how to characterise characters for my Mahadlika Setting.
I've been reading up alot of heroines and given the current voices of writers mixing in my head, I fell like I've read up on enough variety to know how I want the character to be portrayed and what voice to listen to in what part of the writing. I have this voice of my own of what I really want out of it- its like I have webber lecturing me on how to best orchastrate a battle and what to focus on as I tell it, GRRM on the other hand is lecturing in a lot of the basics and fundamentals but I'm tend to be selectively listening when he talks about the messy convoluted crap that comes with personal relationships for characters. Bukold and Moon are reminding me if I am going to write, to go with my gut and my heart, and to have a good experience in the craft.
My own voice, this uncertain, idealistic but calculatingly disapointed me has a lot of ambitions despite the heavy shoes of knowledge and reason trying to weigh me down. My argumentative side, an extention of me that hates having to pretend to be anything, is finding some control over me to say what I really think instead of coating my sentences with confusing ambiguity. It is a struggle to see what emotions stops me from seeing. How typical.
Characters in terms of military sci-fi I want to have a chance to write about is Entrepreneural Characters. Bold, Tragic, and with overwhelming reasons to put themselves in uncertain risks only to find something they don't understand or know how to take- is it success, failure, or betreyal of what they were trying to be... or is it all the above. That fine balance of movement, changing scenery and changing characters despite being the same persons. I find that fun but an experiement or a load of work that forces me inward and dangerously idle.
I don't even have a short story, I havent made one for the longest time. Anyway Just venting, hoping I don't get too distracted by my readings.
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