I stopped reading the book
Engaging the Enemy. I've reached a point I'm angry at what I'm reading. "Engaging the Enemy" is the third book of Vatta's War. I'm half way through simply on the merit of Elizabeth Moons previous books: Serrano Legacy and the Speed of Dark.
What Was Wrong:
What Was Wrong:
- Right to Bear Arms 101. The NPCs and the badguys are unbelievably juvenile and clueless. I'm at the part where she is at a station and her arguments for self defense has been an over simplification on the philosphy of armed defense. Characters who are cops, administrators of autonomous entities, and the setting in general doesnt have a concept of armed vigilance as what was the established philosophy of the "right to bear arms".
- Sci Fi and Tech. I know the author hasn't heard of "tight beam" which is basically a powerful and directed laser transmition used by the more tech savy sci-fi writers for the "secure" transmision, because part of it exists today and the principles of listening in arises if you understand a bit of how the radio works. I can forgive that, but in the course of the novel, if this is not the focus or stress, then the characterization should be brought up more. Actually it is the details of how a market adapts a new techonlogy is what makes for interesting new elements and factos affecting relationships.
- Trading and Economics. This is a problem for a trading aspect of the novel, it was like there was no sense of economy and appreciation of the limits of techonology. Tech has some limits and part of it is created by Technology. In the serrano legacy they were partially right when they talked about it concerning horses, but in Vatta's War there has been overwhelming misconception of how economics work. This is also represented in the fact that Politically there should be a more "established" conflict between other entities creating at least an effective armed backbone.
- Everyone Else is an idiot. Only the main character, Ky Vatta is allowed common sense. In some points though her common sense is a bit oversimplified and absurd, and yet works. The credibility or believability of the characters are a problem. All the non-main characters are "reacting" witth cliche knee-jerk reactions. Its just one of the most patience trying things in the story. It is also a problem when All these dumb characters sounds a like, can't think for themselves, and have no seperate identity other than the "laws".
- Dragging. last of all, it is SO dragging. Pacing is a matter of organization, When i finished the previous 2 books they seemed to be so integrally connected they could have been part of a very LONG introductionary build up. Even the tone and the complexity of the word use dragged it down. Part of it is the lack of the actual "invectives" or and overcomplicated description of the characters gestures. It was just too trying and I have better things to read.
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