Bringing the Gamer to the horse
I'm in vacation here in the Philippines' mountain province and former American military base, Baguio (“Bag-yo”) City. One of the only places in my country you can pay for horse rides and hikes for up to 8 hours at $8 an hour. I was talking to the horsemen who provide these services and care for the horses and here are some interesting answers that arm chair discussion should consider.
These horses are 12.2 hands high (at their hithers). They are around 550lbs (250kgs) on average and eat, at a minium, 6kg of feed on a work day and 4kg when there is no work. Larger specimens eat as much as 8kg. These ponies are modestly cared for and can be ridden in the lightly forested mountain trail about 8 hours with reasonable breaks now and then (to feed and to rest). This horse would riding saddle, stirrups, bit and bridle of up to 35lbs (30 to 45lbs). They can carry along with the riding gear up to 300lbs (but cannot gallop at this level of encumbrance). In all the horse would fall under the ST20 range.
Things I can't see for my self and confirm as easily are its speed and its galloping speed. Cost wise it is not polite to ask, especially its pries too close to the costs of their profession.
I plan to ride tomorrow. Maybe I can get more info then.
Dizzy and nauseated. High altitude thickens the blood and is bad if your not keeping healthy. Although I wish baguio was more accessible. If it was, I bet more people would go here and a lot of developement would happen. It would make things more crowded here but I'm sure the developers would see that foreign tourists would be the best draw. Temperate Climate without the Winter, a lot of possiblities and a lot of money to be made for local economy.
These horses are 12.2 hands high (at their hithers). They are around 550lbs (250kgs) on average and eat, at a minium, 6kg of feed on a work day and 4kg when there is no work. Larger specimens eat as much as 8kg. These ponies are modestly cared for and can be ridden in the lightly forested mountain trail about 8 hours with reasonable breaks now and then (to feed and to rest). This horse would riding saddle, stirrups, bit and bridle of up to 35lbs (30 to 45lbs). They can carry along with the riding gear up to 300lbs (but cannot gallop at this level of encumbrance). In all the horse would fall under the ST20 range.
Things I can't see for my self and confirm as easily are its speed and its galloping speed. Cost wise it is not polite to ask, especially its pries too close to the costs of their profession.
I plan to ride tomorrow. Maybe I can get more info then.
Dizzy and nauseated. High altitude thickens the blood and is bad if your not keeping healthy. Although I wish baguio was more accessible. If it was, I bet more people would go here and a lot of developement would happen. It would make things more crowded here but I'm sure the developers would see that foreign tourists would be the best draw. Temperate Climate without the Winter, a lot of possiblities and a lot of money to be made for local economy.
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