A lot of work today... and the rest of the month

Its a busy monday and I'm slowly getting my working groove on. There is so much to do and not much time.

New Website
Look for Artists to develop new Impact presentation (the old one is more than 4 years old).
DLSU school of business (there is one in GH! finally a school that is close to where I live)
Getting 30 Rock
Call Gaspar
Buying an RPK flash hider for my AK
Fix my Home Office
Fix Map Hangers (make a more robust one)
Fix 1097AD map (cover with plastic and reinforce backing)
Make a hex map to cover the entire dining table (1 hex at 2cm)
Finish some Articles for the Forums
11C Equipment List
11C outfits cards
11C templates
11C Home brew Wealth Rules
11C Home brew Character Creation Guide
Finish the Primer for the Campaign I plan for this March
Soak Figs in Warm water and with a little dishwashing solution to get rid of the oily coating (again, 2nd try)
- Eventually Create a method to mass paint all these figs
- Check washers in Ace or DIY for weighted fig bases
Copy files from Mom's Computer
Find time To exercise every day
Find time to take my fiber supplement without gagging on it
Burn DvDs for the Guys
My gun Upgrades
Fix the Combat Team Omega Logo
Fix the Condo


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