
Well... it's more about teeth and jaws. teeth killing me while I sleep. As my dentist says its deep-seated stress. I still haven't played mount and blade in a while. So I'm a bit stressed out.

Anyway. Busy busy busy, exercise, work and archery tomorrow. I plugged in a few more free software sites that can be useful for me as anyone who wants to start a business and need original software.

Sunday and Monday. I'll be busy working. I'll be developing a interactive 3d animated website so... HELL I'm busy!

Audio books. MAN, they help in my writing (cause I speak in my mind in the way I write)! They are a great way to kill time between TERRIBLY LONG loading time. And I checked, its NOT the LAN because I put all the files in my computer... so its slow because its old for the work it does.

Rick and Comics. I've been chatting with rick in between the LONG waits between loads. We talked about motivation, realistic expectations and our experience in the industry and how we would best work towards a success. Suffice to say, I was the Prude/Realist who knows the asshole way to do the job while he was the inspired one... and the better writer between the two of us.

Anyway I'm really glad he is making a novelet of characters he played in my game. I believe players who played in a GM's setting have the right to use their GM's setting unless of course well, the GM copyrighted it... like in the case of Mahadlika.

Anyway, I've become more organized over time and despite it may be harder to make a comic... I'll do it anyway. I'll find the time, once I put my foot in the door with this project mom has given me. Living on $208 a month is sh*t even for a 3rd world country, in a profession that requires a high degree of technical skills it is realy whoring your self out... But i'm here for the training and don't have a long way to go.

God I'm a workaholic...


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