Being tempted to run a game.

It may never materialize but I am tempted to run a game on friday nights by the guys (nel and nikos) with squid, Mat, Prin and unlikely Dyep and Vannie. They are interested in play mahadlika, but I find it too heavy to begin with for a new group who I don't know their quirks.

Anyway, if it ever materializes GURPS Mahadlika 2008 is going to be very different, grounded and with no supernatural. According to the guys it the players will appreciate the setting and I get to explore the guys the Philippines in what it could have been.

One way I could make it easy for them to digest is that, Nel and Nikos play guardians to each of the new characters. They will advice them in the way the world works. 100cp point game of intrigue, some romance, and politics...

To bad r*ssel is in a downward spiral in his GMing and doesn't like playing no one else's game but his own. I pitty GMs who are like that and have disgruntled players. The older we all get the more our bad habits and traits become stronger and more pronounced. I know, I'm very critical and opinionated about people, but it comes with the territory when you like observing things and looking for flaws and patterns. Still, I keep it pretty much under control and try not to let it get the better of me , most of the time...

but you know me then you know how small my circle tends to be... although now its pretty under control.

Speaking of GMing, I have to say that my younger brother was a strong influence to keep it professional and lets not forget the man who instituted the GM standardization back in AEGIS (Pissed off a couple of GMs hehehe). A GM has to keep or build his reputation or his credibility. I didn't have my brothers advantage with a college barkada because of our falling out so I feel I had to work harder since I had no net to fall back on for players. Despite what people felt about my GMing in the past, too bad they never tried playing again cause unlike some GMs I really work hard to change my habits and this thought as I am saying it should be no surprise to those who know me.

Heck, in this current group they all know how hard I try to keep a steady game and a tight ship... not to mention how I try to hear and figure things out post game analysis. Although sadly I have yet to every get the rep of a admirable or enthralling GM, just the hard working kind.


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