Got a Job in Animation... Kinda'

They asked me if I'd take it, I told the guy that I'd like to talk to my wife about it but will tell him in the morning asap. That morning I call but the guy was in a meeting. Minutes later the guy calls and I say I'm really glad to take it but I'm supposed to take a test and I'm not in YET. He already spelled out the benefits, the pay, the hours etc... but I need a test. Last mention was an IQ test. Anyway, at least I'm going into 3d Character animations Heads first.

This is a dream and will help me get closer to my goal of a Mahadlika SOMETHING! (either a game or a low res online cartoon series- the new online comic). Either way I have a ton of work ahead of me. the job has a ton of overtime and there are always last minute things that may need overnight stay to make the deadline... they didnt say that but when did anything in production ever go smoothly. I've experienced it first hand and seen it in the development videos of games and movies there is no such thing as regular in this kind of job. I know it will wreck some havoc on me but I am receptive of the pain involved. We are told to expect to learn new programs regularly and may find ourselves starting cramming how to make programs outside our specialties work. It goes with the territory. Hopefully my skill with 3ds Max improves greatly with the training and the people I will be working with..... IF this job follows through. Either way I learn pretty fast by myself, I may be able to make a Mahadlika demo before in a couple of months if my health keeps up.
Right now I'm in a bit of a sick spell. Late nights really do alot of damage to me. Because I wanted to make a good impression I lowered my C-lium intake to stop farting too much but kinda screwed with my system a bit. Anyway monday is a BIG day and I gotta make a good impression and before the week end is over I have to learn character facial animation in overdrive. Dreams of making a mahadlika intro in my mind. Figuring out how to do the particle effects of the rain, Modeling a Hacienda surrounded by Narra and a few villages, working on Tiras (My bro character) and other characters, and the fun of getting friends to play the voice acting parts. I hope I still got it. I want to learn to make my own little render farm, maybe learn some way to develope my own music, and possibly make my comic into a little low poly pilot episode.

Airsoft Accessories Price Guide
If you don't have contacts or not a skilled haggler these are the places you should buy your accessories. If you have a contact, they're giving you a good price if they beat the quiapo prices. But usually such contacts give dramatic cost savings at about 30% compared to the Quiapo price.
Cheapest is Quezon Boulevard: Burlington (QUiapo) Everywhere else is a degree more expensive compared to the prices at Burlington
Quiapo 20% to +100%

Krame +30% to +100%

Virra +200%

Virra Mall and Prices. Growing up in San Juan and the Old Virra Mall I've realized how much things have changed comparing the Old and the New. Despite Green Hills old reputation it doesn't prove true anymore that it has good prices... in fact many department stores offer cheaper prices than those offered in the GH Tiange. Divisoria is also a disappointment as well of the sorts. As people realized more and more that they were supposed to be the cheapest place to go, prices has gone up. Well I'm not talking about fashion but of gadgets "questionably" acquired by its hawkers with their unstable supply hinting to why their prices are so cheap. Manila is a place rich with experience for those of us who don't haggle or bargain. Not just at figuring out the actual value of the goods being sold but how much hawkers put over the actual selling price to increase the buffer against haggling. Personally i'd like to keep any hobby of mine cheap, not only for myself but for people I don't know. The more people who get into this hobby the more honest and reliable suppliers can profit and knock away the more inefficient and "scammy" suppliers out there.

Saw a pretty bad Airsoft video in ANC. They claim the GUN is P200,000 without citing any other guns for comparison (mine was 4300 which was the same gun). The guy they interviewed was not eloquent and stammered at the subject matter. They mentioned only Paranaque and this lone shop when they could have mentioned the few locations that contain hundreds of shops selling the same military gear.

Contrary what the guy said I'd like to say that Airsoft people are generally dishonest, even if the generalization includes my friends and myself, simply cause its better to have that expectation that being surprised by the amount of Dishonesty you will encounter getting into it. Honesty in airsoft is rare and should be treated as an anomaly. The last game we played it was the Referees who had to call most of the hits because people generally didn't admit.


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