Buyer Beware: Buying Computers in the Philippines

Having lost a Thesis 3 weeks before the deadline because of questionable computer people have made me very traumatized about the cost of computers. Even if someone tells me they got the parts X% I won't really feel bad about my purchase because when it comes to electronic parts here its hard to get Bang for Buck... its mostly about covering your ass.

Here are the warranties of the two more trusted places to get computers in the Phils. Read carefully and compare, note that PCX has a return and exchange policy which has a very narrow window but at least has one nonetheless. Villman IMO has better warranty because it is simpler for me to understand and doesn't have confusing stuff like the last part of the PCX one which can mean: if its not covered by either the manufacturers warranty or our warranty we won't honor it...

Although its confusing enough not for me to be discouraged by it.

With work going back for problems are more hassle than its worth. When you buy cheap, it better be at a cost you can afford to loose don't skimp on stuff that have a huge Base price. There is no point fighting for something less than 2x a days wage, because your time is worth more (especially when it is your free time). Otherwise, its time well spent getting your money's worth when its more than 2x your days wage and you can AFFORD to spend that time being stressed out.

Of course not all places that give a premium offer good services so go to someplace known and which has a reputation to keep if you lose your temper and make a scene in a justifiable situation. there is supposed to be a government site you can issue your Also, keep a blog, if you want to complain rant all you want and tell the world your experience.

Of course not even these warranties will be enough for the cracks that come up where anyone may fall in.

Airsoft. 3 kills (in one game) WHOA!!! I was really lucky, we were at the defensive and I was in the farthest side (i had to pee). For an unfit, desk jockey guy like me, its a pretty big deal. I'm loving my AK more and I'm glad I got the most bang for buck gun (not to mention gunsmiths say it has the most robust mechanism.

Will go to Lola on saturday nalang so that we I can stay for the debriefing.

1st Kill. Went Far left and found myself having to pee and pushed farther in. Its really hard peeing when everyone is firing and I had to find a spot people wont go to. After that I began to move forward when I saw the guys. Gilbert and Nel were directing me, Gilbert Spotted and Nell and I were giving covering fire when the guys ass peeked out as he blind fired over the Roofing Sheet cover. I was so excited I was telling the guys "I GOT HIM! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT HIM!"

2nd Kill. Got used to crawling and was more comfortable in the position so I crawled forward. I heard the heavy exchange in my far right, in our base and knew from previous games that where I was had a clear shot of the attacking force. Then WOW, I was on the floor, my gun was on the floor and i could see one whose back is turned to me. He was far enough to scare me because the spin the gun put on my light BBs made it curve up at about 15m. I hugged the ground, cranked the BB feed (to be sure I can give a continuous spray), and hosed the guy down. When his hand was raised I just couldn't believe it.

3rd kill. I left immediately, I was hopped up with adrenaline and was counting my luck. I knew that a newb like me can't be TOO lucky and I will go out pretty soon. But when I saw a cluster of soft grass with enough cover I dove in. It was dark green in color, perfect for my digital jungle cammo. I was between heavy foliage, tires and some plywood. Perfect, like a Light going off over my head. So i went down thinking it would be a great place to shoot and Lo and behold a target. With his red band I was doubly sure BUT i was freaked out scared that the grass spot I was in would deflect my really light pellets. I was not sure if the soft cover and the combined range will make my shot suck. So I, again, cranked my feed up and threw my dice. I hosed the guy down, I felt so happy that i didn't hold it down too long before he admitted a hit. I was ecstatic and at that point was exhausted because of adrenaline and I was too close to the base where after a couple moves between covers i got clipped.

I learned my lesson and look forward to the next game. Airsoft is a good goal for the weekday work outs since it becomes a practical use for all the improved performance i get from exercise.

Honesty and Airsoft. After the three kills and getting attacked my self through all the games. its not just about honesty that we have trouble with the game. Its mostly our own perception IF we really hit the guy. Because of the Force per square inch limit shots are pretty short ranged and sometimes we don't feel or hear it. Sometimes soft cover would be enough to stop hits at a given range, I'm very much aware of my guns limitation even if it is a long barreled gun when it comes to foliage and range.

Then there are Raining shots made by BB wealthy players who try get a cheap shot in the general area of the other team. No one counts these shots and you know it by the force and the follow up. If someone has tagged you there will at least more than just one round coming to be sure (BBs are cheap) the shot made its mark. Even snipping shots (which I don't know how it could work since there is a FPS and BB weight limit) will be clear enough for an honest person to know if he's been tagged.

Reflection. In a real gun fight, ammo is HEAVY and really limited. Assault/Battle rifles can weigh up to 9 to 11lbs and each clip 1-2 lbs. Of course these shots travel farther and straighter than BBs, still suppressive fire is a tactical necessity that cannot be quite effective without "wasting" ammo with burst shots. Still, that can be as much as 6-15lbs of ammo, 7lbs of vest or equipment, 4lbs of clothing and wearable gear, and 10lbs for a good ranged gun. What a work out! try squatting with that weight for 3 mins :D

Its both for economic reasons and for practical training reasons I chose my cover fire situations. A burst is maybe all the enemies need to hear and that it should be used as effectively as possible. this is the mindset I'm trying to develop as I play this sport.


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