Airsoft for the Cheap and Newbie

Airsoft Budget (the Ideal Budget).. For the Cheapest Deal go to Manang Luming's (burlington) 503 Quezon Boulevard, Quiapo, Manila. Tel No. 733-6093 (they issue official receipts). This is almost 1/3 the price of convenient places to buy. In my experience in Green Hills they sold me Knee and Elbow pads for P1000 and The very same Face Mask for P1000. Both of which costs 380 here and which is the very same Item. In hindsight, after getting a gun or once the gun part can be handled take a day to go to this place to get EVERYTHING you need. If your "Kikay" have it all customized. I don't think you'll hit 3k with a ton of customized stuff.

Battle Dress Uniform P1400 (top and bottom). We got the Digital Jungle Cammo. Custom fit costs the same, I am a small in their size.
Knee and Elbow Pads P380. They don't usually carry so call Lito ahead of time for a reserve. I got this in Shops ville Arcade for P1000
Hat P100. A boonie hat
(I didnt get this )
Helmet with the Same camo P500. Order this a head of time as well since this is obviously a custom cammo . (I didnt get this )
Modular or Swat Style Vest with Same camo P500. This is obviously a custom fit. (I didnt get this )
Mask P380.
I got this in Shopsville Arcade for P1000.
Boots P500-1000. All stitched and of a robust quality (as they should be).
Tactical AK47 (Brand-Jingong) P4300. Starts at fps 400, basically can be played out of the box and without any mods. Remember that there is a bit of maintenance at about P1500 per year because of the wear on the spring and mechanism. Extra Clip is P500.
Pelets... I forgot to check but you can find that anywhere or bum of your friends.

All the essentials would cost P6460 (Dress, Pads, Mask, and Gun).

Price to play is usually P100. There are alot of places to play and many are close. I suggest going to places that have a FPS cap because its not worth any permanent damage on your person.

Tips when Playing. There are a good deal of people who play the game who will not admit that they have been shot. There are many reasons for this (fun, sense of power, pride, etc.) so playing this with just the cheap ass P200 pelet guns are not Ideal. People don't admit so one should not expect honesty except from friends, so when playing I suggest you hose your enemy down till he admits, Even if he doest after a beating run the heck out of there because his palls will be on your tail. Don't feel bad that the guy didn't admit, just satisfy yourself that for his dishonesty you made it hurt a hell lot.


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