Progress... a bit.

Card Game. The system is done and playable its just that I want to make a balanced set of rules to determine resources to purchase units. Just finish that, i was working on it since yesterday and I am finally content with it. It makes sense and not that abusable.

Support Units is based on TL3 where 1 = $140. It is based on 1/4 the Cost of Living which can be attributed to militant servants. Typically only very powerful characters can afford small armies (at least Multimillionaire), then there are the affects of Ranks to Status which I should consider, then there are societies that don't function in rank instead they use Status (caste systems and very early Ancient military organizations).

Anyway, its all done and good. It makes sense and works the way it should. there is no reason to break it because its really the GM handling it and it is basically building tools for purchasing squads, platoons, companies etc. of either levies, militia, irregulars, regulars, seasoned, crack, veteran or elites.

I'll be making some bowmen for my article, better go back to working on it ASAP.


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