Looking Up.

Card Sample. Been working on this thing lately. Its pretty simple basically. A player can make his own units that allow him to decide the outcome of mass combat. The system is an extension and doesn't conflict (infact in enhances) GURPS RPG rules. Since the Players are not anymore in an ambigous mass combat system that takes advantage of his many other skills that are very important to Leaders but does not have many uses in a micro style of play.
I'm done with the first draft of the system and just finishing up the army creation rules. Its playable already and from the small tests in the games I've been running it looks really good.
Affirmation. Well I don't suck in GMing. I've been told so and I've found a group that jives well with my style. I can't peg my style down but If you had second thoughts about history this group will change you mind. Its really different to play historical and when I read up on material I don't feel guilty knowing so much about it. As a history geek I feel pretty good that Realism through Historical Insight is what guides my judgment.
Ive said this at one point: "I'm lazy to read and study, thats why I read history instead. I'm too lazy to learn stuff I can't use with real people or real life." I don't have to learn the affects of magic and try to reason with its use, I just use the real world as my parameters. Then there is the element of Verisimilitude and Grit, when we succeed in a realistic circumstance we are all the better for it.
I feel good that my game is one of the few games one particular player doesn't give the GM a hard time. The player is a realist and a history buff and more versed than me. Life experience wise, I'm glad he thinks highly of me and I've learned a lot from him as well.
I've changed alot as a GM, alot of my past mistakes and habits have been mostly eliminated. My passion gives me some interesting ideas for the next game. I hope people never get tired of them and I can keep making it fresh. When the downswing comes, i hope I can weather it well and keep chugging along.
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