Civ 4 Warlords

Charismatic. my favorite civ now is Carthage. I didn't know how much easier it is with money. No wonder financial is such a simple but powerful advantage. Then there is Charismatic, which provides happiness and 25% discount on XP allowed me to make one of the highest leveled units I ever had.

Shaka Khan. My Zulu campaign i won time victory. War is hard, and when your focused on war, its hard to do anything else. The Carthage Game was awesome because I went to war with a TON of money. I mean, 30,000 troops ELITE troops, and had money to keep research up, buy city improvements, bribe my enemies and protect my flank.

History of Wars by Procopius. Detailed enough to be a campaign. Filled with enough characters and details about them to make a REALLY interesting game or fiction. Details concerning the response of the Byzantine Emperor's response and miltiary forces.

The Strategicon. Byzantine armies are like soccer teams.
Assault Troops (
Forwards). Move aggressively forward to cull broken forces
Outflankers (
Striker). Their primary job go for the kill. Their job is set up by the skirmiers.
Skirmishers (Midfielders). Effectively the support and set up the kill for the Strikers.
Defenders (Halfbacks). Must move in formation following the Assault Troops.
Flank Guard (Defenders/Fullbacks). The main defense of the Goalee when they break through the Halfbacks.

The byzantines had an unusual tactic at their age where they use archers as suppressing fire while they maneuver to crush the opponents with Outflankers and Assault Troops. A tactic that is taken further by the English witht he employment of Yeomen archers.

Playing Civ game me some ideas how to make a board game out of the armies for a GURPS game.
Spearmen = Light Infantry
Swordsmen = Heavy Infantry
Axemen = Assault Troops
Knight = Heavy Cavalry
Horsearcher = Light Cavalry
Archer = Skirmisher

Breaking them Down to Byzantine Taqgmas and Bandons = 300-400 troops. This is a perfect number for basic units of armies. although in smaller engagements where PCs are invovled, 50 to 100s is another scale i can go.

Then special modifiers based one weapons and training.
I don't have a way to organize them but its basically to fullfill different roles. Roles like tight disciplined formations , or chatoic but adaptive guerrila fighting, focus and profeciency of weapons and other tools, skill in executing a particular manuver (example: cavalry square, wedge, phalanx etc.).

I guess its opposed soldier skill rolls, where equipment, training, and circumstances give modifers.


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