So many thoughts in my head and I'm struggling to have control of my impulses. Being sick stresses the mind body dualism fallacy as my unsound body affects my mind. I post more as I'm unable to control my impulses to talk about myself and my self centered news emerges. It's always me me me. I want to talk about my condition, how I feel, and whatever pops in my head My worse side emerges as I have no self control and it is a vicious cycle. It displays how depressed I am and I only use cognitive tricks to keep it all at bay. my not looking for pity I'm just morbidly curious what shirt will come out of my mouth like I was drunk and felt uninhibited. They say this helps in writing, I can't remember my sources. Anyway, I wrote out a story in my head playing out the scenes while I ran. It was amazing because it made running flyby. It was also a good story. I had a voice and I was able to play out the scenes like some idiot in the privacy of an empty gym. I ...