
Showing posts from May, 2014

Running update

4.09 star Trac and recalibrated Nike. Fit bit 5km. All St 37 mins.

Research Mindfulness Meditation and Variable Priority Training

Variable Priority Training is a form of multi tasking

Health notes

Protein shakes are great in theory, but I get so sick of it it causes a vomit reflex. Still it's cheap (per protein gram) and low calorie source of protein for certain occasions (first thing in the morning and after work out) combined with a caffeine source it should be sufficient for a number of hours. Even 100cal is a 10 min jog or 1k, I neither have time or energy to do. Last time I had a caffeine OD that wrecked my sleeping pattern, when I got over the restlessness it caused a strange sleepy nausea (vomity) - there is no diet that I can autopilot.

Running update

42 minutes 5k according to Nike, but probably 4.8k according to treadmill. Came from bring sick. Still coughing. Eating more than I should. Will need to cut back and more coffee. Coffee pr vents the hunger that happens after two hours regardless of how much I eat.

Being Sick and Loopy

So many thoughts in my head and I'm struggling to have control of my impulses. Being sick stresses the mind body dualism fallacy as my unsound body affects my mind. I post more as I'm unable to control my impulses to talk about myself and my self centered news emerges. It's always me me me. I want to talk about my condition, how I feel, and whatever pops in my head My worse side emerges as I have no self control and it is a vicious cycle. It displays how depressed I am and I only use cognitive tricks to keep it all at bay. my not looking for pity I'm just morbidly curious what shirt will come out of my mouth like I was drunk and felt uninhibited. They say this helps in writing, I can't remember my sources. Anyway, I wrote out a story in my head playing out the scenes while I ran. It was amazing because it made running flyby. It was also a good story. I had a voice and I was able to play out the scenes like some idiot in the privacy of an empty gym. I ...

Running update

4.75km in life fitness at 40 mind and 6km at Nike run. My right foot carpal was stressed. I I felt like I was about to get sick so I ran to move. Ore water through me.

Running update

6km Nike in trac 4km at same time. Thought through and visualized a short story the whole time. Will probably forget about it.