Seeing my mentor go
Tomorrow is My mentor's last day, I really wish he didn't have to go. The practical side of me sees so much he can teach me, and of course there is the less practical side of me that just hates a good person have to go. He has to go because he was dragged down by our previous Managing Director, he is accountable for the 100M the group of companies lost. He is awesome at analysis and a shrewd finance person but he was blindsided by someone who he felt he was responsible for. It was a sunk cost effect from there. His flaws are small, compared to his strengths... but it was his flaws that did him in. I really will miss his guidance and his approval, he tries to understand the technology and that wish to understand is great. He will really try to understand your problem, and that is an awesome character trait. In my mind he will always be the master strategist of an era far and gone that took me on an apprentice. I still follow his tenets up to know. He gave me a chance, wher...