
Showing posts from December, 2011

Personal Assistant Experience, and moving forward in the new year

Ok, I've had experience having a secretary and being the kind of guy I was, I wasn't able to train her properly and there were things that could have been done better. One of the things I came out of the experience is that I should be able to verbally describe goals and skills more effectively and strategically. It may sound simple but, when your juggling work and the development of another person, everything stops being "simple". Well, I really need to make another me. at least outsource that part of me that can do documentation, spreadsheets, able to understand complicated and chronically de-railed conversations, and hopefully gain the same enthusiasm for the aspects of work as myself. Describing the skillset because easier when I had to describe the skillset I wanted to master for myself. reading a ton of help and training books also helped, because the table of contents basically tries to describe the skillset in one sentence or idea. What I want from a Per...

Nice Guys should Learn more Economics and negotiation

I find how I talk now weird. I can be oddly specific and able to describe in much greater detail my thoughts. Sometimes I can narrate my process and how I formulate ideas. Its a level of introspection or intrapersonal understanding I have only recently noticed.  One of the things I committed to is building an IT team. A real team, where I invest a lot of my personal time and resources in the people I work with, even though I did not start out their friend or know them outside of work.  Its like Family, we really have little control over who we are with. In the case of work, we have the team that I only discovered when I got assigned in my new task. Following through the policy I share with my mother with work: Rehabilitate, Forgive, Give them the Benefit of the Doubt (until hard facts surface), and help them realize their full potential (allow them to follow the best career path in their self interest). Spending 10-12 hours at work, already puts me in a posi...

My Ideal Sched

My Ideal Sched I'm very aware this is unlikely, but on auto pilot this is what I'll work towards. this is an ideal of 9.5 productive hours. The highest quality, morning hours, devoted to planning and reflection. When I'm moving to later and later, progressively lower value/ mental complexity/ mental resources needed. Wake up and morning tasks 6am-6:50 -spend an hour with emails and write backs and follow up. 6am is when shift is near ending, enough time to have things resolve. Gym/swimming 7am-7:50 - if I swim in grid I'd morning waters I can maintain a high heart rate for a long period. Low stress on ankles and knees. Also it works on my physical aesthetic.developing shoulders make a belly like mine look smaller faster than dieting. Bath in the locker and done. -if I jog on the treadmill, I can write, listen, and a smaller logistical endeavor. -target is to work towards high bpm sustainable to up to 45mins. An increase oof energy reserve per day is what I have experien...

Time to reflect

It seems I can sleep 3-5 hours, but worried about self-control regarding compulsions going down. there is a definite personality change with irregular sleep. Unable to back up/write my thoughts down to gain perspective, studying a lot on the side, and all the demands of work makes me mental mess.  I've been studying so much. I'm trying to achieve a lot in terms of skillsets. I need to be capable of doing the job of those I'm in charge off, and capable of understanding the intricacies of managing time in their shoes.  Its nice that Learning more about IT would allow me to do some neat tricks in the future.  Recreation I am not able to play computer, actually I wish. Its that I'm my tinkering causes me to reformat my computer so often. I've been stuck trying to improve my PC graphics so that I can play more visually stimulating games. Unfortunately Graphics Card is a big head-ache because its the only thing that's Proprietary, in a sea of tweakabl...