
Showing posts from November, 2011

Sick Again, Chills and Terrible Dreams

Had really bad chills last night. I had also the weird dreams that comes with the fever. I was dreaming about SugarCRM and troubleshooting IT problems again. The dream emphasized the overwhelming gap of knowledge between me and the technology I'm facing at work. It seems my subconscious is panicking and I'm not even aware of it. I guess thats a good thing, it shows the level of control I've achieved. There are concepts of the dream that felt very real, especially the facts about the program being thrown back and forth in my head. Its about the sub-systems like the apache2, php, and the mysql database. It felt real, but its just gibberish in reality. I had a massive head-ache when I woke up.

Desktop Fixed, Screen Resolution Fixed, Containers Fixed

Got my Computer Fixed. It cost me about Php4100, including tip and labor at PCexpress. I was planning on going to Villman to buy a new CPU and was prepared to spend Php16,000 but it looks like I dodged a bullet and won't have to spend that much for a Desktop until 2 more years. for the record I got: A new motherboard, MSI G4 IM-P28 G4 dd3/VIGL for Php2440 New ram, compatible with the new motherboard - 4G Kingston 1333 SODIMM ddr3 for Php1,200 Labor of Php500 Tip of Php100 When the guy opened up my CPU, the processor had its thermal paste rubbed off*. Those bastards who fixed my CPU around august or September screwed me over. Ill look for that receipt in my files and post it. I was too busy to test my computer, it would have failed within the warranty date if I wasn't so busy and fixed up my system later on. I freaking paid for re-application of thermal paste. Today I installed Ubuntu 10.04.3 into my new desktop, because of my fear for the unity GUI's...