Unhealthy and run ragged
Unhealthy and run ragged So I've been working 3pm to 3am. I really get in and come from work at these times. Its doing a number on me and I really do feel at the end of my rope. Health wise I've experienced fevers, flus and chills since June for every month. Because of that I've finished all of my leaves (1 vacation and 1 sick) every month since. This month, is so crucial that it was fortunate my fever, chill and boil came exactly Friday night. So I've not taken a sick leave yet, but I feel like I really need the chance to rest. I would normally fluctuate between 174 and 172lbs, now I'm at 175 and 177. Already bursting at my size M clothes or 34" pants. They don't feel comfortable, and I find myself between getting bigger clothes or wanting to lose weight. My fighting form needs me to be medium, so I really can't let myself go without wasting all my cammo and clothes. There area lot of things to self study. Unfortunately Ubuntu 11.10 is one of them beca...