
Showing posts from January, 2010

Graydon Squared

I don't listen to Rap. Mostly because its about insecurity driven materialism and lust. Graydone Squared rap, I can listen too. A physics student, rapper, and atheist. That is so strange, but have to listen to comprehend it.

Extents of Reason

I'm learning to see how far the other perspective is willing to use reason and logic. I've begun to observe a pattern of thresholds. the Theist arguments: Beyond Science, Beyond understanding, Beyond measure... etc... Particularly in the Malum Prohibitum and the Good w/o God contrast. I note that there is a threshold these "theists" would apply reason. This makes me wonder, if the pattern in decision making falls on the basis that the people lack the knowledge to apply reason in cases they have been conditioned to think is beyond them? Attacking this particular point in the chain of reasoning seems to be a the most effective. It is a weak link in the sense that it suffers the pressures of holding together so many other irrational conclusions alone instead of adjoined with other reinforcing links. This would save a lot of effort in future arguments. Of course this is about making the other person learn to apply reasoning beyond their comfort zone. Now that is VERY...

Of all the crazies

Was able to post 2 articles in Filipino Freethinkers. One was about Blame and the Other about War Weariness . They are pretty much related, one is about the blanket statements and hasty generalizations made in general: typically assigning blame. The other is about Weariness of having to answer to malformed ideas. Basically, the articles were based on allocentrism: trying to understand the other person and properly analyze the situation. Lately i've observed how some people, think that morality of an Atheist is relative. It is and it isn't. It is really a complicated matter, but it doesn't stop them from assigning blame. Interestingly, the same people would have you believe that nothing is reasonable. That even happiness, what is good, and things we use our reason to determine, cannot be determined by reason. It is basically sawing off the branch one is sitting on. Ug. I know its dumb, but I still remember when my Opus Dei training made me just as mentally blind to common s...

Installed Ubuntu, Lasik, Movies,

Switched back to Ubuntu . My windows got really bogged down by viruses. I got kicked out of a couple of forums because my IP was sending spam. What clinched it for me was when it took 12 minutes to copy 300 megs to a flash disk. So I got off my ass and installed my second OS. I have reinstall everything again, but Its better this way. Less distractions, I won't be playing as much mount and blade. Lasik . Did I mention that I had corrective laser eye surgery yesterday (monday)? Went to Asian Eye today for the follow up check up. The experience . They gave me only half a pill, I wish they gave me more. There qA no physical pain, unless you count strong glares and strobing light as physical. They used a sticker to hold down my eye lids. During the course of the operation my involuntary muscles began to hurt because of the resistance of the sticker. So every time I would normally blink, my occipital muscles were held back and were cramping. Obviously my cornea and pupil were numbed, I ...

Awareness of my limitations

It is a bit masochistic of me to deal with trolls and religious wing-nuts. I've tried to see if it has made me miss any opportunities and I admit they have. Although I've gotten better in putting my ideas on "paper" and learning the intricacies of discussion. In the SJGames forum mega threa d I learned that several people who are practically in the same side got at each other's necks because of how they failed to see their strong commonalities and focus on their environmentally shaped differences. When I think about the times I assume I'm unique or that my Ideas and methodologies are special it leads me to misinterpret the value of another person's input. In that mega thread, people who have a very similar GMing style didn't see the differences between their style and the other GM was the circumstances that surrounded them. The way Dawkins talks about Land-based Mammalian Skeletons being the same, but each bone shaped differently is how I visualize the...

Gay Education

I have a friend who is being "tortured" by his faith about being gay. This might come in handy.

Top Ten Creationist Arguments

I put it here cause busting myths is fun.