
Showing posts from April, 2016

Running update

18 mins 3km Nike 29 mins 2.69km system trac Back sore and weak. Will do stretching. Left Hip leg joint feels weak. Woke up early to run and work. With 5 hours of sleep. Les interruptions and more restful. Had 3 rounds of pt so far. A long road to recovery.

Running update

23 mins star trac 1.98 mins 19 mins Nike 2.79km Back is more sore since yesterday. I have a big day today so I need the run.
24mins Nike 3.89km 26mins star trac 2.73km 4.0 incline Back sore and woke up to it feeling weak. Maybe I need muscle relaxant. The Hip leg joint feels weak.  Legs feel stretched. Doing stretches.

Running update

24 mins 2.44km star trac 23 mins Nike 3.5km. 4.0 incline Averaged at about 6.5kph star trac Two physical therapy sessions and muscle relaxant with anti inflammatory meds Back is sore but not in the usual place. A bit lower near the hip bone. Really bad performance but this is the cost of injury and too much ambition

Running Update

30 mins 1.6km star trac 1km walking 13 minutes. 4.0 incline Ran only 5.5kph and only for 1k in Nike Running. Backpain in bad. Its not a really painful - but it feels like Its about to break and its really weak.

Running update

22 mins 2km star trac 4.0 incline 13 mins 2.14 nikr Back still hurts. Lesson: Strive for 5% better performance per week. It's OK to fail but always take the right amount  of time to rest. Shrink the goal buy never lose sight of it. Personal pain is pain regardless of external measure and comparisons. Your pain at the moment is your pain and only you can judge. Injury was around my birthday around March 21, shit that means recovery of June 21 if I take it easy.