
Showing posts from April, 2012

"What's Daddy, Chopped Liver?"

Niko is going through his mommy attachment phase. I can only remember mine because of the animosity it created between me and my mom. I think my mommy attachment phase as a kid ended badly, Basically I resented my mom a lot, there was an incident where I told the class I hated her when I was a discussion about it with my mom when I was around grade 1. I can see how a bad removal of attachment can go, in my own childhood. I could not relate with the missing mommy feeling until I became a dad and I missed niko's mommy. Seeing Niko cry and cry when his mom leaves made me realize that the resentment was a coping mechanism. There is no easy way for him or me when i was a younger to grow into understanding the sense of abandonment even if it was only for a day. A day, which is to a baby a very long time. We  learned he can be distracted and heavily engrossed in play. He has that single minded attention I have that frustrates my wife when it is something that interests him, except t

Long Term Goals, other than Certification and Higher Education.

Long Term Goals, other than Certification and Higher Education. Learn Mandarin (current) , Begin with being able to read and write some characters while accumulating as many hours as possible listening to mandarin via Suzuki Method applied to languages. Hopefully in 3 years I'm able to get around in a mandarin speaking country without any english. Learn the Memory Room Technique. Learn the Blindwriting Typing Technique Learn Sign Language. If there is a data glove that can synch to my phone and I can use gestures to type, learn the techniques to make those gestures. Be wealthy enough to higher a BPO to make the apps for that. Be able to type on the go with gestures. Underlying goal is to Do Office Apps on the Go on an Smart Phone.